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An interactive board game designed to bring people from different cultures together
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In Module 7 of the University of Twente's Industrial Design Engineering Program, students were tasked to design a product based around a specific user's wants and needs, utilizing important processes such as codesign where group members ideate and problem solve to a suitable creation that fit a given user as optimally as possible. This places some of the most important elements and decisions of the project to the participants themselves, as their own needs and preferences affect major design decisions.

In the case of our group, we were assigned a recently settled international who moved in within months of the project beginning. They will be referred to as the participant for the duration of this report. This participant offered her time and creative energy to assist our group in coming up with a strong product solution to a problem which has been discovered, ideated upon, refined and calibrated into a final product.

Design process

During this project we used a design process that consist out of three phases.

Phase one is getting to know the user and doing research into the topic.

Phase two is about coming up with ideas, making concepts and selecting a final direction.

The third and final phase is about making a prototype and evaluating.

The design process has been separated into a broader overview of the relevant design phases, including background and research, problem definition, design and ideation, and final results.





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